
This library offers a way to interact with the Synthetix protocol using Python. This guide will teach you the basics: how to set up the client and use some of its functions.

If your use case requires a more in-depth understanding of the protocol, please refer to the Synthetix documentation.


This library requires Python 3.8 or higher. It makes heavy use of the web3.py library for interacting with smart contracts.

It is recommended to use a virtual environment to install the library and its dependencies. Use venv to create and manage this virtual environment:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

# optionally upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade pip


The library is available from the PyPI package repository and can be installed using pip:

pip install synthetix

Initializing the client

To use the library, initialize the Synthetix object that can be used to interact with the protocol. At minimum, you must provide an RPC endpoint.

from synthetix import Synthetix

# Base Mainnet
snx = Synthetix(

This creates an snx object that helps you interact with the protocol smart contracts. At minimum you need to provide the provider_url parameter, which is the RPC endpoint of the node you want to connect to. If there are any warnings or errors during initialization, they are logged to the console.

Basic usage

Once set up, you can use the snx object to interact with the different modules in the protocol. Here are some common functions you may want to use:

# basic functions
snx.get_susd_balance()       # fetch the balance of sUSD
snx.get_eth_balance()        # fetch the balance of ETH and WETH

# perps markets
snx.perps.get_markets()      # fetch all perps market summaries
snx.perps.get_account_ids()  # fetch all perps accounts for the specified address
snx.perps.get_margin_info(1) # get the margin balances for account_id 1

Let’s see how to use the get_markets function with a sample output:

>>> markets_by_id, markets_by_name = snx.perps.get_markets()
>>> markets_by_name
    'ETH': {
        'market_id': 100,
        'market_name': 'ETH',
        'skew': -3308.71,
        'size': 14786.42
        'max_open_interest': 100000,
        'current_funding_rate': 0.00196
        'current_funding_velocity': -0.02977
        'index_price': 1560.37
    'BTC': {